NACM Career Roadmap

Along with the CBF and CCE designation applications, you must submit the NACM Career Roadmap. The CCRA and CBA designations do not require the submission of the Career Roadmap. The Roadmap enables you to assess your professional accomplishments. There are more than 500 points available on the NACM Career Roadmap. A total of 75 Roadmap points is needed to apply for the CBF designation and a total of 125 points is needed to qualify for the CCE designation. Points are awarded for both formal and continuing education, work experience, participation with your local and National NACM offices, as well as special activities in which you may be involved. You must send your completed Career Roadmap to the NACM-National Education Department for evaluation with the CBF and CCE application form and fee. Your Roadmap will be reviewed and verified, after which you will be notified of your status. Completed paperwork is due eight weeks prior to the scheduled exam date to ensure time for a thorough evaluation.

Keep a copy of your Roadmap accessible and add points to it as you attend classes and participate in activities and events. Save a complete copy of your Roadmap for future reference each time you submit it with a designation application.

Listen to tips about completing NACM’s Career Roadmap 

Career Roadmap (pdf)

Career Roadmap Sample #1 (pdf)

Career Roadmap Sample #2 (pdf)

Career Roadmap Sample #3 (pdf)