How They Work
NACM Online Courses are designed to give students the most flexibility and independence.
There are no mandatory scheduled meeting times. Students follow a weekly syllabus, working independently to read the material and complete any assignments at their own convenience during the weekday or night. A "facilitator" is available for each class to provide assistance. Our facilitators are accessible through e-mail to answer questions, provide guidance and feedback, and even give students helpful study tips.
Our classes are intensive, college-level courses and each facilitator is experienced in the field they are guiding. Both of these factors contribute to our high quality educational programs. Due to the independent nature of the online courses, students should be highly motivated with the ability to learn in a non-traditional environment.
During the course, students take proctored exams. Upon successfully completing the course with an average score on the exams of 70 percent or higher, students will receive a certificate of achievement and will earn course credit toward the designation course requirement.
The facilitator is available via e-mail for questions, comments, and concerns. The facilitator also hosts a conference call before each of the exams to give the students areas of study to concentrate on for the exam. We strongly suggest that you take the quizzes to help you further understand the chapter material. These quizzes do not count toward your grade.
How do NACM online courses work?
Each course comprises two pieces, the traditional materials and the online component. The course tuition covers the cost of the textbook and other necessary hard copy materials as well as facilitator support. It also includes the costs associated with the online component, a special order access code and provider support and maintenance. Students are given a syllabus to follow. Each week specific material must be completed to maintain the pace of the course and ensure completion. This keeps all students on the same material at the same time, making the study conferences relative to all. Students are allowed one week, specified on the syllabus, in which to schedule and complete their tests. A facilitator is available via email and scheduled study review conference calls to answer questions or explain concepts. Participation is highly recommended for students to fully benefit from the course.
The online component contains resources and supplements to the course. It provides updates through a calendar, inter-course email, the syllabus and more. Quizzes and tests are taken through the online component. Tests require a proctor. Students must provide the name and contact information for a human resources manager, supervisor, teacher or other reliable individual to act as proctor. Relatives and fellow students may not act as a proctor.
A confirmation letter and certificate are provided at the conclusion of the course.