Articles You Can Use

On this page, you’ll find a collection of short articles that you can use in your newsletters, on your website as content… or any way that will be helpful to you. We’ll continue to add new content each month. 

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The Transformative Power of NACM’s Thought Leadership Forums
September 26, 2024

The CCRA advantage: Examine financial data with confidence
September 26, 2024

Understanding AI in B2B Credit
August 20, 2024

From the Frontlines: How NACM’s CMI Empowers Credit Professionals to Shape Business Strategy
August 20, 2024

I want to earn a designation. Where do I start?
July 25, 2024

Fraud in B2B trade explained
July 25, 2024

How to Read a Credit Report
May 14, 2024

Credit Card Surge Reshapes B2B Trade
May 14, 2024

Unlock the Power of Leadership
April 23, 2024

ChatGPT: Revolutionizing credit industry operations
April 23, 2024

Upskilling and reskilling in the AI-driven job market
March 26, 2024

How to build your “Credit”-ability
March 26, 2024

An Annual Outlook at CMI Trends
February 21, 2024

Career Craftsmanship: Building Skills through Author Chats
February 21, 2024

A Strategic Guide to Goal Setting in 2024
January 23, 2024

Dedicated Learners Forge Strong Credit Leadership
January 23, 2024




Credit Congress 2024 in Las Vegas: Secure Early-Bird Pricing Now!
November 29, 2023

Why Register for NACM’s Graduate School of Credit and Financial Management
November 29, 2023

Nurturing Excellence: The Transformative Power of Mentorship
October 24, 2023

Why Associations Matter to Modern Members
October 24, 2023

Extra Credit Podcast: A New Way to Learn
September 20, 2023

5 Reasons to Register for NACM’s Unlimited Webinar Program
September 20, 2023

NACM’s Secured Transaction Services: An Extension of Your Credit Team
August 23, 2023

Position Yourself as a Thought Leader and Expand Your Impact
August 23, 2023

You Are an Economic Fortune Teller
July 20, 2023

Designations: Value Beyond the Letters
July 20, 2023

Leadership vs Management 101
May 16, 2023

Successful Networking Tips
May 16, 2023

How to Provide Effective Feedback
April 17, 2023

Prepare for Increased Commercial Bankruptcies
April 17, 2023

Journey to Earning an NACM Designation
March 21, 2023

How Associations Can Bring Young Professionals to the Top
March 21, 2023

Central Banks Around the World Tighten Monetary Policy in Lockstep
February 17, 2023

CMI Survey Provides a Voice for Credit Professionals
February 17, 2023

What Kind of Leader Are You?
January 16, 2023

Economic Outlook for 2023: What to Expect  
January 16, 2023




Save the Date for NACM’s 127th Credit Congress and Expo. Registration Now Open! 
December 19, 2022

Increase Workplace Productivity with These 5 Simple Hacks
December 14, 2022

What the Complex Labor Market Means for US Economy
November 18, 2022

How to Build Future Credit Leaders
November 18, 2022

Consequences of Toxic Leadership
October 17, 2022

Will a Slowing Job Market Be Enough to Cool Inflation?
October 17, 2022

Confronting Workplace Complacency
September 9, 2022

Governments Seen as Reliable Post-Pandemic, Says OECD
July 18, 2022

Recession Fears Mount as Inflation Rates Climb
July 18, 2022

Ways to Run Afoul of Mechanic’s Lien Filings
June 15, 2022

What Matters to the New Generation of Credit Professionals?
June 15, 2022

Think of Your Construction Job Information Sheet as a Credit Application
May 15, 2022

Tips To Attract Rockstar Staff
May 15, 2022

Five KPIs Credit Departments Should Use to Improve Collection Process
April 14, 2022

Cross-Functional Teams Could Help Navigate Difficult Times
April 11, 2022

Five Factors to Consider in Construction Contracts
March 14, 2022

How the War in Ukraine Could Increase the Risk of Cyberattacks
March 14, 2022

Key Themes in Today's Economy
February 14, 2022

Economic Risks to Global Recovery
January 18, 2022

Economic Concerns to Keep an Eye on in 2022
January 14, 2022




NACM’s CMI Helps Predict Health of Economy
December 15, 2021

Mark Your Calendars: Registration for NACM’s 126th Credit Congress & Expo is Under Way
December 15, 2021

Three Strategies to Ensure Managers Succeed in the Hybrid World
November 15, 2021

Getting the Most Out of Your Artificial Intelligence
November 15, 2021

Becoming a Leader in the Workplace Takes More Than Just Experience
October 14, 2021

Kellogg Insight Reveals Proactive Steps to Improve Relationships Among Colleagues
October 14, 2021

Who Takes the Blame When a Team Makes a Mistake?
September 15, 2021

Five Changes Predicted for the Global Supply Chain
September 15, 2021

Ten Tips for Managing Remote Team Members
August 12, 2021

How to Stop Employees from Falling for Cyber Bait
August 12, 2021

Will Blockchain Show Its Full Promise?
July 12, 2021

Compliance Plays Crucial, Sometimes Complicated Role in Credit Management
July 12, 2021

Global Recovery Strong but Uneven
June 15, 2021

Common Themes in SEC Enforcement of Financial Statement Fraud
May 14, 2021

Gartner Survey: Most CEOs Anticipate an Economic Boom Over the Next Two Years
May 14, 2021

Continuing Education with NACM’s Certification Programs
March 15, 2021

Future of Remote Work Requires Investment of Time and Money
February 16, 2021

Letters of Credit in a Digital Age
January 15, 2021

Virtual Meetings Introduce a New Form of Etiquette
January 15, 2021




Construction Industry Battles Combination of Winter Slowdown, Rising COVID-19 Cases
December 15, 2020

Creditor Tips When a Customer Files Bankruptcy
December 15, 2020

Bankruptcies, Insolvencies Surging with Economic Uncertainty Ahead
November 13, 2020

Creditor Tips When a Customer Files Bankruptcy
November 12, 2020

For Credit Managers, Every Day is a Negotiation
October 16, 2020

Credit Decisions Without Financials
October 16, 2020

Extending Terms During COVID-19 Pandemic
September 15, 2020

Turning into Leaders
September 15, 2020

Becoming a Remote Credit Worker
August 14, 2020

The SBRA and Its Impact on Trade Creditors
August 14, 2020

Times of Economic Uncertainty Call for Review of Credit Risk Mitigation Strategies
July 14, 2020

Adapting to Change in Credit
July 14, 2020

Credit Management Still in Recovery
June 16, 2020

Digitizing the Credit Department One Step at a Time
June 16, 2020

How to Identify a Potential Bankruptcy
May 14, 2020

Payments During COVID-19
May 12, 2020

COVID-19 Legislative Update
May 1, 2020

CARES Act to Impact Small Business Bankruptcy
April 8, 2020

Securing the Credit Department and Avoiding Coronavirus-Related Fraud While Working from Home
April 8, 2020

Credit Managers Push Forward During COVID-19
April 1, 2020

South American Credit Risks: Political Uncertainty, Optimism
March 16, 2020

A Seller’s Guide to Letters of Credit
March 10, 2020

What the CCPA Is and Is Not
February 13, 2020

Incoterms: Changes in 2020 and an Overview
February 4, 2020

What Is Lost Can Be Found: Personalizing Credit Relationships
January 9, 2020




The Health of the US Economy in 2020: Cynicism, Success or Slowdown?
December 13, 2019

Small Fraud Checks Can Result in Large Savings
December 13, 2019

Decision Fatigue: Combatting the Overwhelming Nature of Choices
November 19, 2019

Know the Don’ts in Accounts Receivable
November 11, 2019

Winter Is Coming for Construction
October 15, 2019

Clear Communication Between Creditors and Customers
October 10, 2019

Pushing the Credit Limits
September 12, 2019

Becoming a Better Listener in Four Steps
September 12, 2019

The Dangers of Failing to Be PCI Compliant
August 14, 2019

P-Cards and V-Cards
August 13, 2019

Credit and Sales A Partnership Worth Pursuing
July 12, 2019

Rich Getting Richer Better Payment Terms Discounts Offered
July 12, 2019

Switching to Shared Services: Challenges, Solutions
June 14, 2019

The Complexity of Bankruptcy
June 14, 2019

Effectively Working With a Small Credit Department
May 14, 2019

Offering Future Credit Advice to Your Past Self
May 14, 2019

Tech, Customers Driving Faster Payments
April 15, 2019

Electronic Invoicing: The Next Step in Company, Customer Satisfaction
April 1, 2019

Credit Department Shared Services: ‘Doing More With the Same’
March 14, 2019

Patterns in Markets and Financial Statements to Be Mindful of When Making Risky Credit Decisions
March 11, 2019

Credit Outlook 2019: No Need to Panic, Yet
February 13, 2019

When Technology Isn’t Enough: Personalizing the Creditor-Customer Relationship
February 13, 2019

How Much Credit Should You Grant Your Customers?
January 11, 2019

Advanced Tech Addresses Concerns in Construction Industry
January 7, 2019




US Business Health Dips, SMBs Show Resilience
December 14, 2018

Cyberattack Fines Can Cost Small Businesses Their Livelihood
December 11, 2018

The Benefits of Going Paperless and How ACH Works to Lower DSO
November 14, 2018

Midterms Potential Impact on Economy, Businesses
November 14, 2018

Catch Errors If You Can: Working With Your Accounting Department
November 5, 2018

Technology Changing Payments
October 15, 2018

Life After Debt
September 14, 2018

The Risky Business of Extending Credit to Ch. 11 Debtors
September 10, 2018

Conquering Cyber-Readiness in Credit
August 10, 2018

Construction Law Not ‘One-Size-Fits-All’
July 12, 2018

Credit Manager and Debtor: A Psychological Dance
July 12, 2018

Use Technology to Improve Credit Processes
June 13, 2018

Outsourcing Noncredit Work: Develop a Rich Pitch
June 12, 2018

NACM Membership Driving Trade Credit Education
May 14, 2018

How to C.A.P.T.U.R.E. Your Own Communication Skills
May 3, 2018

Don’t Shy Away From Investigating Private Customers
April 13, 2018

Managing ‘Key Moments’ Leads to Success in the Workplace
April 4, 2018

Growth Still Available for Credit Insurance Market
March 15, 2018

Infrastructure Plan Released to Mixed Reviews
March 13, 2018

Creditor-Customer Collaboration Crucial in Small Business Cash Flow Management
February 15, 2018

U.S. Tax Reform to Benefit Beverage, Auto, Refining Sectors
February 15, 2018

B2B Procurement Revolution Underway
January 12, 2018

Lenders Dial Back on Grocery-Anchored Property Investments
January 12, 2018




Construction Outlook Stable With Room to Grow
December 15, 2017

The Latest in North American Payment Trends
December 8, 2017

Beware of Business Email Compromise
November 13, 2017

Practicing Due Diligence When Complying With U.S. Export Regulations
November 11, 2017

Blockchain and Emerging Technologies Can Change the World
October 16, 2017

Trade Finance Faces Challenges from Increased Regulation
October 9, 2017

Educating Customers About Credit
September 14, 2017

Business Storytelling
August 31, 2017

Illinois Debt Issues Continue
August 10, 2017

When to Hold ‘Em, When to Fold ‘Em: Negotiation Skills for the Credit Professional
August 2, 2017

Taking the Right Steps in Collections
July 14, 2017

Presenting Your Presentation the Right Way: Successfully
July 11, 2017

Payment Trends and Their Future Outlook
July 10, 2017

Company Changes Require Strong Relationships
June 7, 2017

Extending Credit in Agriculture
May 15, 2017

Standards and Best Practices for the Year 2020
May 10, 2017

The Importance of a Credit Application and a Personal Guarantee
April 12, 2017

Don't Plan to Fail: Putting Data Security into Practice
April 12, 2017

The Importance of Credit Applications and Personal Guarantees
April 5, 2017

Getting Customers to Formally Acknowledge Their Debts
March 15, 2017

Choice Architecture in Debtor Psychology
March 15, 2017

Six Mistakes of Business Social Media
February 16, 2017

Resources at Your Fingertips: The NACM Knowledge & Learning Center
February 15, 2017

Managing Responsibilities in a High-Performance World
January 17, 2017

Evaluating Commodities, Business Cycles Vital to Good Credit Decisions
January 17, 2017




My Customer Filed Bankruptcy: Now What?
Posted December 16, 2016

Certifications Propel Credit Professionals and Their Companies Forward
Posted December 16, 2016

Use a Variety of Techniques to Get to Yes Decision on Limited Credit Information
Posted November 18, 2016

Red Flags That Warrant Consideration for Renegotiating Terms
Posted November 18, 2016

Asserting Mechanic’s Lien or Payment Bond Rights: The Devil is in the Details
Posted October 14, 2016

Five Reasons Businesses Have Shied Away from Credit Insurance
Posted October 14, 2016

Eight Reasons to Use a Pro Forma Invoice
Posted September 15, 2016

Think of Construction Job Information Sheets as Credit Applications
Posted September 15, 2016

Effective Negotiations
Posted August 24, 2016

More Happening at Onset of Bankruptcy Cases
Posted August 22, 2016

Beware Troublesome T’s & C’s
Posted August 22, 2016

Making the Most of Technology
Posted July 15, 2016

Change Management Steps Critical in Credit, Overall Business Success
Posted July 15, 2016

Know the Basics of Key Ratio Analysis
Posted July 1, 2016

Fast, Service-Oriented Follow-up Critical When Handling Deductions
Posted May 3, 2016

Beyond Numbers
Posted May 3, 2016

Managing High-Risk Accounts
Posted May 3, 2016

Costs and Settlement of True Mechanicʼs Lien Litigation
Posted May 3, 2016

Ways to Reduce Risk in Case of a Default
Posted April 25, 2016

Call on Analysis, Credit Experience to Tackle Workouts
Posted March 16, 2016

Getting the Straight Talk
Posted March 15, 2016

Look for the Warnings Signs of a Distressed Customer
Posted February 24, 2016

Top Concerns of Financial Professionals
Posted February 19, 2016

Posted January 15, 2016

NACM’s Canons of Business Credit Ethics
Posted January 15, 2016




Establishing a Credit Policy
Posted December 17, 2015

The Battle of the Forms
Posted November 18, 2015

Observing a Customer’s Facilities
Posted November 18, 2015

Rise in Orders Could Mean Fraud
Posted October 16, 2015

The Legal Forms of Business: Common Law Trust
Posted October 16, 2015

Eight Requirements for Negotiable Instruments
Posted September 16, 2015

Investigating Existing Accounts
Posted September 16, 2015

Points to Consider When Implementing an Extension Plan in Bankruptcy
Posted August 17, 2015

The Role of Sales with Established Customers
Posted August 17, 2015

Allowances and Write-Offs
Posted July 15, 2015

10 Associated Elements in Financial Statements
Posted July 14, 2015

Three Key Relationships That Define Credit Department's Multifunctional Role
Posted June 17, 2015

Things to Consider When Setting and Communicating Credit Limits
Posted May 13, 2015

Four Key Objectives of Customer Visits
Posted May 13, 2015

The Importance of Conducting Credit Investigations on Existing Accounts
Posted April 10, 2015

Nine Methods for Establishing Credit Limits
Posted March 25, 2015

4 Things to Remember When Choosing a Credit Team Member for an Inter-Departmental Project
posted February 24, 2015

Hidden Ownership Can Spell Trouble for Credit Professionals
posted February 20, 2015

Key Considerations Regarding a Distressed Debtor
posted January, 2015




Three More Cs: A Trio of Practices to Consider for International Business Dealings
posted December 31, 2014

Compliance Program Development: Choosing Your Metrics
posted November 19, 2014

Back to Basics: Four Key Metrics Your Credit Department Should Consider Tracking
posted November 19, 2014

International Sales and Credit Mistakes to Avoid... Or Draw Regulators' Ire
posted November 19, 2014

Key Components and Importance of a Credit Department’s Mission Statement
posted July 28, 2014

Three Things to Do When You Can’t Get a Customer’s Financials
posted June 16, 2014

A Look Back at the CMI's Accurate Predictions
posted May 22, 2014

Ready for Growth in Credit Card Use and Related Interchange Fees?
posted 5/2/2014

Credit Basics: Setting Credit Limits
posted 4/16/2014

Ways to Run Afoul of Mechanic's Lien Filings
posted 4/16/2014

Doing Business in the Middle East and Northern Africa
posted 4/8/2014




More-with-Less Philosophy Taking Toll on Credit Investigations
posted 12/6/2013

Trade-Based Money Laundering Red Flags
posted 12/6/2013

Implementing a Credit Card Surcharge Program
posted 11/6/2013

International Payment Alternatives to Traditional Letters of Credit
posted 10/25/2013

Easy Ways To Determine Customer Risk
posted 10/25/2013

A Few Benefits of Cross-Training Credit and Sales
posted 7/29/2013

The Value of Sharing Your Company's A/R-Data
posted 7/29/2013

Benefits Of Using Social Media In Credit
posted 7/15/2013

Key Areas To Analyze When Creating Baseline Customer Profile
posted 7/15/2013

Four Important Things to Remember about Free Trade Agreements
posted 7/10/2013

Three Key Credit Fraud Threats and Preventive Steps
posted 7/10/2013

A Quick Look at NACM's National Trade Credit Report Presentation
posted 6/11/2013

Benefits of Membership Presentation
posted 6/3/2013

International Communication Tips
posted 3/11/2013

Four Big Misconceptions about Cloud Computing
posted 3/11/2013

4 Mistakes Credit Professionals Make When Getting More Involved in Exporting
posted 2/11/2013




Things to Consider Before Outsourcing Credit Collections
posted 11/2/2012

Four Key Point to Remember When Doing Business in China
posted 10/2/2012

5 Reasons to Offer Discounted Terms
posted 8/8/2012

Critical Things to Consider When Doing Business in Mexico
posted 8/8/2012

Things to Consider When Choosing a Legal Services Firm
posted 6/11/2012

Things to Remember When Trading With a Partner in The Middle East
posted 6/4/2012

Reasons to Use UCC Filings
posted 5/11/2012

Five Reasons to Use the NACM Trade Credit Report
posted 4/11/2012

Tricks for Overburdened Managers
posted 4/11/2012

Reasons to be Wary of Groups or Social Media
posted 2/29/2012

Four Reasons Why Collateral Matters to Creditors
posted 1/31/2012




Five Things to Know About a New Customer Before Agreeing to Terms
posted 12/7/2011

Five Ways to Reduce Internal Fraud with Collections Employees
posted 12/7/2011

The Top 5 Federal Laws That Credit Professionals Need to Know
posted 12/7/2011

The Top 5 Reasons DSO is a Bad Way to Measure Credit Department Performance
posted 12/7/2011

Top 5 Things to Know About a Customer
posted 12/7/2011