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 Contributors Honor Roll April 1, 2013 - March 31, 2014

Thank you to all of our contributing donors.
Katie Al-Salim
Rosa Apodaca, CCE
Wendy L. Bartlett, CCE
Ed Bell, Ph.D., CBA, ICCE
David Beckel, CCE
Melva Becker, CCE, CICP
Tina Benavidez, CBA
Maggie Bessenbacher, CGA
Ashley Bragan
Melanie Brohawn
Julie Brown
Lori Buckelew
Steven Cherry
Shelley Clark, CCE
Kim Claxton, CBF, CCRA
Barbara Condit, CCE
Barbara Davis, CCE
Millie DeMariano
Beverly Eldridge
Tracey Flaesch
Pam Foreman, CCE
Carol Fowle, CCE
Rudet Fountain
Mary Anne Friedrich, CBA
Greg Garner
LeeAnn Garrington, CCE
Mary Garten
Dina Gittings
Charlene Gothard, CBA
Gayle Grawunder
Marlene Groh, CCE, ICCE
Kathy Hamilton, CCE
Brett Hanft, CBA
Kim Hardy, CBF
Shelley Hart, CBF
Eunice Helgeson, CCE
Barbara Herrera, CBA
Jonathon Hickman
Kathy Hibdon, CCE
Tina Hirdler, CBF
Nancy Hoffman, CBA
Shawn Ismert, CBA
Cindy Jaeger, CCE
Carol Johnson, CICP
Cindy Joseph, CBA
Robert Karau, CICP
Lynn Kendrick, CBA
Peggy Klassen
Claudia Kuniholm, CCE
Kim Lancaster, CCE
Barbara Leathers
Ericia Leonard, CBA
Heidi Lindgren-Boyce, CCE
Randall K. Lindley, Esq.
Dorreen Lisa
D'On Maroney, CBF
Tawnya Marsh, CBA
Mick McGirr, Esq.
Pam Meyer, CBF
Cheryle Miron, CBF, CCRA
Mary Moore, CBA
Cindy Mortenson, CBA
Sonya Nichols, CBA
Roberta Ortiz-Montoya
Joni Page
Sabrina Perez, CBA, CICP
Richard Reed
Steve Riska
Sheila Roames, CCE
Lisa Rodabaugh
Maggie Rossell, CBA
Lenore Schaefer
Robin Schauseil, CAE
Angie Scheidnes, CCE
Duane Schwartz, CCE
Alison Seman, CCE
Kelly Shock, CCE, CCRA
Stacey Smythe, CCE
Steven Snow
Gwen Stroops, CCE, CICP
Michelle Stuyvesant, CBA
Jill Tamborini, CBA
Dennis Thomassie, CCE
Shoni Tiede
Donald Ussery, CBF
Paulyne VanderSloot, CCE, CICP
Kathleen Victoria
Dawn Wallace Cook, CCE
Nancy J. Watson-Pistole, CCE, ICCE
Brenda Weaver, CCE
Denise Weaver
Georgeann Weinhandl, CCE
Micki Wilson
Ellen Wodiuk, CCE
Beverly Zimmer, CCE
Anonymous Donors
Crane Service, Inc.
Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions
JD Technical Solutions
Law Offices of Mark A. Kirkorsky, P.C.
National Distributing Company, Inc.
CFDD Albuquerque Chapter
CFDD Birmingham Chapter
CFDD Charlotte Chapter
CFDD Dallas/Fort Worth Chapter
CFDD Denver Chapter
CFDD Evansville Chapter
CFDD Jasper Chapter
CFDD Kansas City Chapter
CFDD Louisville Chapter
CFDD Minneapolis/St. Paul Chapter
CFDD Omaha/Lincoln Chapter
CFDD Phoenix Chapter
CFDD Portland Chapter
CFDD Raleigh/Durham Chapter
CFDD Salem/Albany Chapter
CFDD San Diego Chapter
CFDD Seattle Chapter
CFDD Tacoma Chapter
CFDD Wichita Chapter


honor roll btn 12-13

Thank you to all of our contributing donors.
Karen Adler
Tonya Barr
Connie Barratt, CCE
Jacci Barrows, CCE, ICCE
Wendy Bartlett, CCE
David Beckel, CCE
Melva Becker, CCE, CICP
Edwin Bell, CBA, ICCE
Maggie Bessenbacher, CGA
Mary Bodhaine, CBA
Denise Boock, CICP
Jeffrey Borgens, CBA
Melanie Brohawn
Julie Brown
Kim Claxton, CBA
Barbara Condit, CCE
Millie DeMariano
Debora Diamond-Burt, CBA
Zach Dillon, CCE
Traci Drew
Jenifer Dunseth
Reese Dyer, CCE
Beverly Eldridge
Pamela Foreman, CCE
Carol Fowle, CCE
Mary Garten
LeeAnn Garrington, CCE
Larry Glenn, CBA
DeLinda Goodman, CCE
Charlene Gothard
Marlene Groh, CCE, CICP
Brett Hanft, CBA
Kim Hardy, CBA, ICCE
Janie Helms
Joy Henderson
Barbara Herrera, CBA
Tina Hirdler, CBF
Nancy Hoffman, CBA
Marie Hugaboom, CBA
Shawn Ismert, CBA
Cynthia Jaeger, CCE
Lori Jones, CCE
Cindy Joseph, CBA
Robert Karau, CICP
Lynn Kendrick, CBA
Denise Kephart
Claudia Kuniholm, CCE
Kim Lancaster, CCE
Debra Laudner
Barbara Leathers
Heidi Lindgren-Boyce, CCE
Lorena Marsh
Tawnya Marsh, CBA
Elaine McKenna
Michael Meyer, CCE
Pamela Meyer, CBF
Mary Moore, CBA
Debbie Morse
Cindy Mortenson
Jeffrey O'Banion, CCE, ICCE
Deborah O'Keefe, CBF
Barbara Olinger, CCE
Maryallen Otis, CCE, ICCE
Kimberly Peake, CBA
Sabrina Perez, CBA, ICCE
Julie Putman, CBF
Leslie Reedy, CCE
Chris Ring
Sheila Roames, CCE
Janis Rowe, CCE
Carey Ryan, CBA
Jim Sain
Robin Schauseil, CAE
Angie Scheidnes, CCE
Duane Schwartz, CCE
Susie Secuskie, CBA
Alison Seman, CCE
Karyn Senne, CBA
Mary Sheldon, CICP
David Smith
Steven Snow
Carol Spring
Gwendolyn Stroops, CCE
Jill Tamborini, CBA
Dennis Thomassie, CCE
Paulyne VanderSloot, CCE
Kathleen Victoria
Dawn Wallace Cook, CCE
Jennifer Walsh, CBA
Kay Watson, CBA
Nancy Watson-Pistole, CCE, ICCE
Georgeann Weinhandl, CCE
Nadine Whitehead, CCE
Ellen Wodiuk, CCE
Beverly Zimmer, CCE
CFDD Past National Chair
Columbia River Knife & Tool
Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, Inc.
NACM North Central
NACM Oregon
Stoneway Concrete, Inc.
TD Industries
Anonymous Donors
CFDD Albuquerque
CFDD Birmingham
CFDD Charlotte
CFDD Cincinnati
CFDD Dallas/Fort Worth
CFDD Denver
CFDD Evansville
CFDD Jasper
CFDD Kansas City
CFDD Los Angeles
CFDD Louisville
CFDD Minneapolis/St. Paul
CFDD Omaha/Lincoln
CFDD Phoenix
CFDD Portland
CFDD Raleigh/Durham
CFDD Salem/Albany
CFDD San Diego
CFDD Seattle
CFDD Tacoma
CFDD Toledo
CFDD Wichita


Apply for a Scholarship

Scholarship applications are accepted on an as needed basis.

Scholarship Basics

There are six different CFDD scholarship categories.


Category TypeAward Value
1) Credit Congress Full Registration Fee,
plus a CFDD Luncheon Ticket
2) NACM Affiliate Fall Conferences 50% of the Registration Fee
3) NACM/FCIB Designation Application Fees Entire application fee
4) Course Registration Fees 50% of the registration fee
5) Self-Study Courses Up to $200 (entire cost)
6) CLC Exam Reviews Entire review course

CFDD members may apply for up to two scholarships each calendar year by submitting an application on or before June 30 and/or December 9.

Members are eligible to attend only one conference (NACM Credit Congress or NACM Affiliate Conference) using a CFDD National Scholarship per scholarship year.

If you need assistance in completing an application, please contact CFDD-National, a member of your National CFDD Board of Directors or your CFDD Chapter President.

Scholarship Applications Forms

Scholarship Application (doc)          Scholarship Application (pdf)


Thank you to all of our contributing donors.
CFDD-Albuquerque Carol Johnson, ICCE
CFDD-Birmingham June Lay
CFDD Cincinnati Barbara Leathers
CFDD Dallas/Fort Worth Jane Loehr, CCE
CFDD Denver Marcia Kaczmarek, CCE
CFDD Evansville Bob Karau
CFDD-Grand Rapids Lynn Kendrick, CBA
CFDD-Jasper Denise Kephart
CFDD-Kansas City Peggy Klassen
CFDD-Louisville Barbara Klosterman, CCE
CFDD-Minneapolis/St. Paul Betty Konerza, CBA
CFDD-Omaha/Lincoln Betty Melby, CCE
CFDD Orlando Mike Meyer, CCE and Cindi Meyer
CFDD-Phoenix Pamela Meyer, CBF
CFDD-Portland Mary Moore, CBA
CFDD-Raleigh/Durham Debbie Morse
CFDD-Salem/Albany Annette Nii, CBA
CFDD-San Diego Toni Nuernberg, CAE
CFDD-Toledo Jeffrey O'Banion, CCE, CICP
CFDD-Wichita Michelle Orange
NACM Great Lakes Region Kim Palmarini
Ergon Asphalt and Emulsions Susan Paul
Fifth Third Bank Arlene Pipkin, CCE
HelmsBriscoe Deb Poynter
Jane Ashley, CBA Darlene Reinke, CCE
Nicole Barnes JoAnn Rettke, CCE
Tonya Barr Sheila Roames, CCE
Jacci Barrows, CCE, ICCE Pat Roberts
Wendy Bartlett, CCE Anneliese Rodabauch
David Beckel, CCE Carey Ryan, CBA
Melva Becker, CCE, CICP James Sarkkinen, CBA
Ed Bell, Ph.D., CBA, CICP Robin Schauseil, CAE
Michael Bengert, CCE, CICP Angie Scheidnes
Denise Boock, ICCE Nancy Scheneman, CBA
Mike Brittain, CAE, CGA Duane Schwartz, CCE
Elizabeth Chero, CCE Susie Secuskie, CBA
Kim Claxton, CBA Alison Seman, CCE
Barbara Condit, CCE Mary Sheldon
Millie DeMariano Kelly Shock, CCE
Jenifer Dunseth Steven Snow
Reese Dyer, CCE Susan Steagall
Pam Foreman, CCE Roy Stout
Carol Fowle, CCE Bonnie Sudman, CBA
Dan Garrett Dennis Thomassie, CCE
Kathi Garten Phyllis Truitt, CCE
Charlene Gothard Vivian Van Keuren
Marlene Groh, CCE, CICP Cindy Vekas, CCE
Kim Hardy, CBA, ICCE Dawn Wallace Cook, CCE
Cindy Hayes, CBA Floy Warren-Feltmann
Barbara Hays Kay Watson, CBA
Barbara Herrera, CBA Nancy Watson-Pistole, CCE, ICCE
Denise Hertweck Dana Webster, CBA, CICP
Frank Hiltz, CBA Georgeann Weinhandl, CCE
Mary Hines Nadine Whitehead, CCE
Tina Hirdler, CBF Linda Williams
Nancy Hoffman, CBA Sherri Williams
Donna Hypse, CCE Micki Wilson
Cindy Jaeger, CCE Ellen Wodiuk, CBA
Jerrilynne Jankowski Beverly Zimmer, CCE
Connie Jarvis Various Anonymous Donors



Thank you to all of our contributing donors.
CFDD-Albuquerque Ellen Wodiuk, CBA
CFDD-Birmingham Alison Seman, CCE
CFDD-Charlotte Phyllis Truitt, CCE
CFDD-Cincinnati Greg Powelson
CFDD-Dallas/Fort Worth Shelley Hart, CBF
CFDD-Denver Millie DeMariano
CFDD-Evansville Pam Foreman, CCE
CFDD-Grand Rapids Sharon Foster
CFDD-Jasper Cynthia Amfaldern, CCE
CFDD-Kansas City LeeAnn Garrington, CCE
CFDD-Louisville Dennis Thomassie, CCE
CFDD-Minneapolis/St. Paul Jeff O'Banion, CCE, CICP
CFDD-Omaha/Lincoln Mary Moore, CBA
CFDD-Phoenix Robin Schauseil, CAE
CFDD-Portland Elaine McKenna
CFDD-Raleigh/Durham Donna Hypse, CCE
CFDD-Rochester Anita Pilo, CCE
CFDD-Salem/Albany Nadine Whitehead, CCE
CFDD-San Diego Jacci Barrows, CCE, CICP
CFDD-Seattle Kathy Tomlin, CCE
CFDD-Tacoma Pamela Meyer, CBF
CFDD-Toledo Wanda McPhillips, CCE, CICP
CFDD-Wichita Maryallene Otis, CCE, CICP
BillTrust Gwen Stroops, CCE
Ergon Asphalt and Emulsions Ed Bell, Ph.D., CBA, CICP
Fifth Third Bank Charolette Ludwig, CCE
First Vancouver Finance Stephen Byrd, CBA
Forius Business Credit Resources Laura Jones, CBA
Timex Group USA, Inc. Robyn Borseth, CBA
Wichita Sheet Metal Mary Hines
Alice Barboza, CCE Jenifer Dunseth
David Denton, CBA Floy Warren-Feltmann
Carolyn Hussey, CBF Ellen Pond
Tom Standish, CPA, CCE Joy Mitchell, CBA
Alison Seman, CCE June Lay
Barbara Condit, CCE Melva Becker, CBA
Lynn Brakken, CBA Eunice Helgeson, CCE
Betty Melby, CCE Barbara Klosterman, CCE
Annette Nii, CBA Denise Hertweck
Janice Schwieger, CBA Robert Karau
Cindy Vekas, CCE Bonnie Anderson
Carol Fowle, CCE Beverly Zimmer, CCE
Carolyn VanKrevelen, CBF Ian Lydiatt
Bonnie Fierstine, CBA Barbara Herrera, CBA
Judy Perttula, CBF Ann Beam, CBF
Claire Yurek, CCE Georgeann Weinhandl, CBA
David Beckel, CCE Christa McCraw
Dawn Wallace Cook, CCE Jeff Hawkins, CCE
Denise Boock, CICP Deb Poynter
Duane Schwartz, CCE Betty Melby, CCE
JoAnn Rettke, CCE Arlene Pipkin, CCE
Kay Watson, CBA Brett Hanft, CBA
Lynn Kendrick, CBA Linda Garrison
Marlene Groh, CCE Tawnya Marsh, CBA
Nancy Hoffman, CBA Charlene Gothard
Nancy Watson-Pistole, CCE, CICP Frank Hiltz, CBA
Stacey Smythe, CCE Bonnie Sudman, CBA
Vickey Blackwell Rita Barbour, CCE
Wendy Legan, CCE