
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in Credit Risk Management


Mon, September 20, 2021, 03:00


 General Information

Cost: Members: $95
Non-Members: $195

 Unlimited Webinar Purchasers will be able to participate as a part of their package.

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Registration Includes: One telephone and web connection at one physical location


US: 3:00pm ET

About the Webinar

In an age of automation and digitalization, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) is now mainstream in our society. It delivers tangible benefits in risk management: AI and ML are increasingly able improve the accuracy of risk estimation models, automate repetitive processes and accelerate risk-based decision making.

However, great technologies are not without risks. It raises a fundamental question for high stakes decisions: If we don’t fully understand the workings of AI, how can we trust it? The trust issue is further highlighted by a range of challenges with AI in the news: from data privacy concerns to how do we explain black box algorithms and decisions to stakeholders.

How can firms build trust and confidence in AI and ML with the right models, controls and intrinsic explainability? The talk will highlight cases where AI and ML are delivering value to the risk function, and discuss global industry practices to address bias or fairness and how current model governance frameworks can be extended to safeguard the responsible use of AI and ML.


About the Speaker

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Terisa Roberts, Director and Global Solution Lead, SAS

Terisa Roberts is a director and global solution lead for risk modeling and decisioning at SAS. Terisa has extensive experience in quantitative risk management, regulatory compliance and model governance and validation. She has worked in financial services, telecommunications, government, energy and retail sectors.

She advises banks and regulators around the world on best practices topics in risk modeling and decisioning and the responsible use of artificial intelligence and machine learning. She regularly speaks at international conferences on the application of innovative models in risk management and holds a Ph.D. in operations research and informatics. Terisa lives in Sydney, Australia with her family.


Webinar Access

Instructions to join the Webinar will be sent to the main registrant's email address the day before. Remember: Please log-in at least 15 minutes prior to the webinar commencing to ensure ample time for technical assistance if needed.