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A Grizzled Attorney Presents the Construction Law Battlefield Webinar


Mon, May 13, 2024, 03:00 - 04:00
Online, internet


General Information

Cost: Members: $95
Non-members: $195


Registration Includes: One telephone and web connection at one physical location


US: 10:00 am PT // 1:00 pm ET
*Please remember the time zone differences if you are not on the East Coast.*


About the Webinar

Please join attorney Randall Lindley as he discusses the battlefield strategies he has learned representing creditors in the construction industry for over 35 years. He will discuss which laws to use as a SWORD, including mechanic's and materialmen's lien statutes, prompt pay laws and construction trust fund statutes. He will also discuss how to SHIELD your business from unfavorable contract provisions including indemnification, change orders, overbroad release language, and pay when paid. 

About the Speaker

Randall Lindley's bio photo

Randall Lindley, Esq., Partner, Bell Nunnally

Whether for an institutional lender or a company enforcing collection of monies owed from a transaction or judgment, Randy brings proven strategies and decades of experience to the debt recovery process. Clients appreciate his focus on practical and business-savvy approaches that add to the bottom line. In the construction industry, Randy routinely represents contractors and suppliers in construction litigation, arbitration proceedings, and the perfection of lien claims and payment bond claims. He also represents owners and general contractors with their construction disputes. 





Webinar Access

Login instructions are sent to the registered attendees email address in a calendar invitation at the time of registration.

Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with questions.

