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2017's Economy - Where Are We after All That?


Wed, July 26, 2017, 11:00 - 12:00


 General Information

Cost: Members: $95
Non-Members: $195

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Registration Includes: One telephone and web connection at one physical location


US: 11:00am ET.


Chris Kuehl, Ph.D

About the Webinar

We survived the campaign and now we can start to tell which of the two positions was the more accurate. Are we looking at a recovery or a retreat into more crises? What does the rest of the year look like?

About the Speaker

Chris Kuehl, Ph.D. is the co-founder and Managing Director of Armada Corporate Intelligence, a company created to provide strategy foundation, competitive intelligence, business analysis and economic forecasting for corporate clients. Chris is the Chief Economist for NACM and the Fabricators and Manufacturers Association. He also analyzes the survey data and presents a monthly report for NACM’s Credit Managers’ Index (CMI). Chris is a frequent commentator for the local and national media. He is a regular economic/business analyst for KMBZ radio and KSHB-TV (local NBC affiliate). He holds a Masters Degree in Soviet and East European Studies, a Masters in East Asian Studies and a Ph.D. in Political Economics from the University of Kansas. He has been on the faculty of universities in the U.S., Hungary, Estonia, Russia, Singapore and Taiwan. He has been on the local steering committee for the Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals and has been active with a number of business and finance organizations.

Webinar Access

Instructions to join the Webinar will be sent to the main registrant's email address the day before. Remember! please log-in at least 15 minutes prior to the webinar commencing to ensure ample time for technical assistance if needed.
