
(FREE!) PCI Compliance 101


Mon, December 13, 2021, 03:00 - 04:00


 General Information

Cost: FREE

Register Now

Registration Includes: One telephone and web connection at one physical location


US: 3:00pm – 4:00pm ET
*Please remember the time zone differences if you are not on the East Coast.*


About the Webinar

Is your company Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant? The PCI Data Security Standard applies to every organization or merchant that accepts, transmits or stores payment card information. In other words, if any of your customers pays using a credit card or debit card then the PCI DSS requirements apply. Being “compliant” means that your company meets all of the requirements laid out in the standard.

If your business fails to become PCI compliant, it could be at greater risk from the growing threat of payment card data breaches and theft, which may result in substantial penalties, fraud and charge backs, as well as legal costs and lost customers. Join Fiserv’s Adam Hollis for a timely and engaging discussion on the importance of PCI compliance for all businesses as he discusses PCI resources, requirements and the importance of certifying that your business is PCI compliant.


About the Speaker

John Wheeler, Fiserv


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Webinar Access

Instructions to join the Webinar will be sent to the main registrant's email address the day before.

Remember! please log-in at least 15 minutes prior to the webinar commencing to ensure ample time for technical assistance if needed.