
The Time Is NOW to Review and Update Your Credit


Wed, October 25, 2023, 03:00 - 04:00


General Information

Cost: Members: $95
Non-members: $195

REGISTER NOW    or    Register for Full Package

Registration Includes: One telephone and web connection at one physical location


US: 12:00 pm PT // 3:00 pm ET
*Please remember the time zone differences if you are not on the East Coast.*


About the Webinar

Credit departments have experienced many changes, including operating in a remote and, in many instances now, hybrid work environment because of COVID-19. The credit and finance professions were forced to make unexpected concessions on credit limit approvals to keep businesses operating, even though the decisions may have been out of compliance with existing credit policies. Every company’s credit policy should be an empowering tool that assists credit professionals in making informed and sound credit decisions. However, in many cases, outdated requirements pose unnecessary challenges to satisfy company credit policy and audit requirements. Join this session to learn best practices to make your credit policy a useful tool in your risk management arsenal and to learn how to ensure that credit decisions and actions are in perfect alignment with your policy.


About the Speakers

Charles Edwards' bio photo
Brett Hanft, CBA
Brett Hanft, CBA, Credit Manager at American International Forest Products, LLC, has 35 years of credit experience; the past 25 years in the lumber industry. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Business/Economics from Willamette University in 1988. Brett received his Credit Business Associate (CBA) designation in 1991. He has been an active and participative member in NACM and CFDD for more than three decades. In 2021, Brett received the CFDD National Spirit Award and the NACM National Emerging Leader Award. Brett is currently serving on the NACM National Board as a Director and is an active member of the Executive Committee on the CFDD National Board. Brett firmly believes in ‘paying it forward’ by sharing his knowledge and experience with others in the credit profession. He has completed 14 years of service on the CFDD National Board and is a CFDD Past National Chairman.

Webinar Access

Login instructions are sent to the registered attendees email address in a calendar invitation at the time of registration.

Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with questions.


Credit Congress Spotlight Sessions