
How to Improve Your DSO: Ramp-up Your Collection Cycle


Tue, February 2, 2021, 11:00 - 12:00


 General Information

Cost: Members: $95

Non-members: $195

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Registration Includes: One telephone and web connection at one physical location


US: 11:00am – 12:00pm ET
*Please remember the time zone differences if you are not on the East Coast.*


About the Webinar

Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) is an important metric to monitor in companies of all sizes throughout every industry. DSO measures the average age of accounts receivable for your organization. If your average is trending higher, then your business is more likely to struggle with cash flow. As we know, cash is always considered to be “king” and is critical to an organization’s survival. In many cases, improving cash flow is as simple as making small changes to the collections process, but the Accounts Receivable Professional should be aware of strategies for reducing the Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) average as an important method for improving cash flow.

Learning Objectives: 

  • This webinar will provide a “blueprint” to enable you to “ramp up” your collection cycle and have an immediate positive impact on your DSO. 
  • Attendees will obtain the following three helpful tools:  1)“Six Strategies to Reduce Your DSO,”  2) “15 Reasons to Turn Your Account Over to a Collections Agency,” and  3) “17 Steps to Reduce Outstanding Accounts Receivables.”

About the Speaker

Chris Doxey, CAPP, CCSA, CICA, CPC, President, Doxey Inc., Paeonian Springs, VA

Chris Doxey is an author, speaker and management consultant who is passionate about improving financial process.Chris focuses on internal controls, process transformation and automationShe has extensive experience with trade directories, metrics and analytics and self-audit tools.

Chris spent more than25 years at Hewlett Packard and Verizon in senior P2P, logistics, and finance andaccounting leadership positions.Chris held executive positions with global P2P audit firms for eight years.During her eight years of management consulting experience, Chris designed a new fiscal closing process for a large enterprise, implemented a self-audit tool for a global P2P audit firm. Chrisdeveloped the requirements for a trade directory and drove theimplementation process for a global financial institution. As an example of her process transformation work, Chris worked with a large university to improve internal controls and implement automated account payable processes. She also develops educational content for several P2P solution providers.

Chris works with the riskcloud product team at Oracle where she developed the initial set of automated P2P controls and collaborates with the Oracle team on a frequent basis to discuss improvements. She is a long-time speaker at Oracle’s Open World conferences.She leads the risk advisory practice for an Oracle partner and supports the implementation of risk cloud for large enterprise clients. 

Chris is acertified accounts payable professional (CAPP) and holdscertification in controls self-assessments (CSA). She is certified professional controller (CPC) and a certified internal controls auditor (CICA). Chris holds a BA, BS, MBA, and a graduate certificate in project management. Chris is a member of the Institute for Internal Controls (IIC), the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) and the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE). She is onthe advisory board for the IIC and the Exchange Summit.Chris is the author of The Internal Controls Toolkit and The Fiscal Close Toolkit published by Wiley in 2019The Controller’s Toolkit anThe AP Toolkit will be published in 2021. 


Webinar Access

Instructions to join the Webinar will be sent to the main registrant's email address the day before.

Remember! please log-in at least 15 minutes prior to the webinar commencing to ensure ample time for technical assistance if needed.